Mistakes Often Made by Hydroponics Beginners

Hydroponics using the best hydroponic system with all its advantages is increasingly popular among the public. Apart from being an independent food self-sufficiency business, hydroponic farming can also be an option to channel your hobby of planting even if it is only in a narrow space.

Hydroponic growing can be said to be difficult and easy. It’s not as complicated as planting on agricultural land. However, hydroponic farming also often fails. Especially for beginner growers who are cool with the hobby of hydroponics. Therefore, for you hydroponic novice players, consider five mistakes that are often made in hydroponic farming. The hope is that the same mistakes will not be repeated in you.

Most hydroponic players are hobbyists or home-scale growers. Hydroponics is indeed the right choice for those of you who are stuck in a routine and bored with the chaotic city life. However, the busyness of daily activities should not even kill your hydroponic plants. Schedule to water the seedlings in the morning before the activity and in the afternoon after the activity. The seedbed period is a critical period for the growth of a plant. The seeds will absorb a lot of water to grow leaves and roots. If your seedlings dry out, your plants will stress and die.

Do not put the seedlings in a place that does not have enough sunlight. Plants need sunlight for the process of photosynthesis. Lack of sunlight makes the hormone auxin in plants continue to be produced so that the plant will only grow elongated. Long, but pale in color so lack of nutrients in the plant will cause your plant to die.

Each plant has a different growing season. This period relates to when plants can be harvested and when to sow seeds again. If you don’t understand this, crop failure can happen. In addition, if you miscalculate the schedule, it could be that after harvesting, you don’t have seedlings that are ready to be planted. For example, if you plant kale, the harvest period is 20-25 days, while the time it takes to sow the seeds is 7-10 days. When the kale plants you plant are 10-15 days old, you must start sowing new seeds so that your hydroponic cultivation can be sustainable.

After successfully sowing seeds with a hydroponic system, it will usually make you addicted to trying other types of plants. Wait a minute. Different plants require nutrients and have different harvest schedules. So sowing all kinds of plants together regardless of the time of planting and the type of nutrients they need will cause all of them to fail. Therefore, it is better to study the character of each type of plant before planting. Try easy plants first, such as spinach, lettuce, and kale. If you have successfully harvested all 4 of these vegetables, proceed with planting more difficult crops such as Mint or Basil.

Hydroponic Ornamental Plants that are Easy to Cultivate

Many types of ornamental plants are collected using a hydroponic system. Hydroponics is a plant cultivation system that does not use soil media but uses a special solution that contains the nutrients needed by plants. Generally, hydroponic cultivation systems are used for vegetable crops. However, now many types of ornamental plants use the hydroponic method to be cultivated. The best hydroponic system method is also not too difficult, and easy to maintain.

Cultivation of hydroponic ornamental plant species is not only done in a large area but can also be done in a narrow area. You can cultivate various types of ornamental plants at home using the hydroponic method which saves more space and is practical. Here are some types of ornamental plants that can be grown using a hydroponic system.

The types of sunflower ornamental plants that usually grow on large lands can also be planted using a hydroponic system and replacing the planting medium which is usually soil into charcoal husk or sand. You can plant them in pots and place them in your yard using stacked shelves to save space. This sunflower ornamental plant usually lives in a place full of sunlight so that in its cultivation this ornamental plant must be placed outside the room. Watering with water and nutrient solution on this type of sunflower ornamental plant can be done once a day with manual watering or it can also use a drip system to save time.

Aloe vera
The next type of ornamental plant is aloe vera or aloe vera that you usually encounter can also be grown hydroponically. By using hydrogel growing media or husk charcoal, this type of hydroponic ornamental plant will grow well and can be displayed on the living room table as a decoration. The use of hydrogel planting media will enhance the appearance of these types of ornamental plants by adding using pots of asbestos or glass pots so that the hydrogels are more clearly visible. This type of hydroponic ornamental plant is more drought resistant so that the watering can be done every 2 days or every planting medium has started to dry. Use a small aloe vera plant to be placed as a living room table decoration or place it hanging in the yard.

As an ornamental plant, dracaena is an example of a familiar type of hydroponic ornamental plant. The reason is, not a few people put this dracaena ornamental plant in a container filled with water to keep this hydroponic ornamental plant alive. With such easy-care, dracaena is suitable for use as an indoor or outdoor ornamental plant or can also be used as a table decoration plant in the living room.

Advantages of Planting with Hydroponics

Hydroponics is a plant cultivation technique that is currently much loved by modern society. This planting technique uses the working principle of planting with media other than soil and sufficient nutrients for plants by using Mix nutrient solution which is flowed to plant roots. Learn more about the best hydroponic system on our website.

Some plants such as vegetables, fruits, and ornamental plants are very suitable when used as plants that are cultivated with hydroponics. Cultivation using hydroponic techniques has several advantages when compared to conventional planting using soil media for cultivation. Here are some of the advantages of hydroponics that can be your consideration for choosing this cultivation technique over conventional.


Hydroponics knows no seasons and places
The current weather anomaly makes it difficult for us to predict the weather conditions in the next few days. Sometimes we often encounter a time when it should be raining instead of dry without the slightest rain falling. This causes us to find it difficult to determine the right planting time for plants, especially for vegetables.

Not only the problem of the existing weather conditions, but in this modern era, rice fields are also decreasing due to the conversion of the function of rice fields into residences and office buildings. This problem will be very often encountered in urban areas which are dominated by skyscrapers. This is certainly a serious problem considering the narrowness of the land that can be planted.

For those of you who want to garden, but are hindered by the two conditions above, hydroponics can be the best solution. Hydroponics can be installed on the roof or even in a narrow house because the installation does not require a large space. The key to growing with hydroponics lies in the fulfillment of nutrients and sufficient sunlight for plants.

The use of this screen house or greenhouse is not only to protect from excessive sunlight and rain that falls out of season, it can also be used as a barrier for pests to enter and damage plants.

Not only that, this hydroponics does not use soil as a planting medium so that the possibility of plants being attacked by organisms in the soil will be smaller. The use of planting media other than soil such as husk charcoal, gravel, and Rockwool will be much cleaner when compared to conventional techniques.

With the use of hydroponics, the plants produced are healthier and of better quality than planting using conventional techniques.

How to Grow Hydroponics for Beginners

Hydroponic farming is a method of growing plants without using growing media from the ground. Literally, hydroponics means planting in water containing a mixture of nutrients. Hydroponics is famous for its ease of growing vegetables. As a beginner who has never studied agriculture at all, you don’t need to worry because the best hydroponic system is very easy to apply by anyone. Here’s how to grow hydroponics:

The NFT (Nutrient Film Technique) hydroponic system is widely used by industrial and home scales. Developed in 1960s by Dr. A.J Cooper at Glasshouse Crops Little Research Institute Littlehampton, UK.

Relying on supported water media by regulating oxygen circulation, as well as providing optimal nutrition. How to grow hydroponic NFT system as follows:

  • Prepare some pipes or gutters, and pump.
  • Make holes in the pipe according to its length with the same distance between the holes.
  • Arrange pipes or gutters that are prepared to be a place to plant plants.
  • Set the catcher on the lower end of the pipe.
  • Install a pump to circulate nutritious water for maximum flow.
  • The NFT system of hydroponic farming is good for green vegetables, such as kale and spinach.

The NFT (Nutrient Film Technique) hydroponic system is widely used by industrial and home scales. Developed in 1960s by Dr. A.J Cooper at Glasshouse Crops Little Research Institute Littlehampton, UK.

Relying on supported water media by regulating oxygen circulation, as well as providing optimal nutrition. How to grow hydroponic NFT system as follow:

  • Prepare some pipes or gutters, and pump.
  • Make holes in the pipe according to its length with the same distance between the holes.
  • Arrange pipes or gutters that are prepared to be a place to plant plants.
  • Set the catcher on the lower end of the pipe.
  • Install a pump to circulate nutritious water for maximum flow.
  • The basic concept of this system is that plants grow that are not deep, and maintain circulation so that plants can still get enough nutrients, oxygen, and water.
  • The NFT system of hydroponic farming is good for green vegetables, such as kale and spinach.

Make sure the distance of the seeds planted is closer to the bottom of the plastic bottle so that they get full nutrition.

If you want to know more about hydroponic plants, you can visit our website and see a lot of our tips, tricks, and also the best way to take care of your plants.

Know More About Hydroponics

Hydroponics is one of the innovations in the world of farming. Hydroponics does not require a large area, so this is one of its advantages. Currently, hydroponics has become commonplace among the community. Many choose to grow crops with the best hydroponic system because it is considered more effective and efficient. What is hydroponics?

In the field of farming, hydroponics is an agricultural activity that uses water as the main medium to replace soil. Hydroponics can also be interpreted as a planting system without using soil media. The planting technique can use non-soil planting media, such as gravel, coarse sand, or coconut fiber. The hydroponic system has been known and applied for a long time, since the 16th century AD. According to circulating history, The Hanging Garden of Babylon is believed to be the first use of hydroponics in the world. From century to century until now, hydroponics continues to grow rapidly. The method is the same, namely by making the water the main medium.

Hydroponics has a number of benefits. What are those?

Pest free plants
Farming using soil can sometimes cause pests that come from the soil itself. The use of a hydroponic system for farming can minimize or eliminate pests that are the main enemy of plants.

More results
More plants are produced. Because usually many plants are wasted due to being eaten or attacked by pests. So the yield is much more. The plants can be harvested at any time. The hydroponic system makes it possible to grow the desired crop and harvest it at any time, even if it is not the season of the crop.

Hydroponic crops are said to be healthier because they do not use pesticides or chemicals. Pesticides are often used to eradicate pests, while in hydroponics the number of pests can be reduced or even absent because water is used as the main medium.

Hydroponics has a number of advantages when compared to other farming systems.

– Does not require soil because water is used as the main medium.
– It does not need a lot of water because the water will continue to circulate or circulate in the system that has been made previously.
– Cleaner and more sterile because there is no spilled soil.
– Free from plant pests that often emerge from the ground.
– Suitable to be applied in narrow or limited land because it does not require large pots or large soil. The nutritional content is higher because it does not use pesticides.
– The results can be harvested at any time and are easy to take.
– The plants can grow faster if properly supervised and managed.

Plants that will be planted with a hydroponic system must be adjusted first. The goal is for maximum results and in accordance with the desired. Here are some lists of plants that can be grown with a hydroponic system:

Mustard greens, cabbage, spinach, kale, lettuce, tomatoes, chilies, cucumbers, beans, and others.

Orchid flowers, roses or roses, marigolds, and others.

Bananas, pottery, and others.

Herbs (short and small plants)
Parsley, mint, basil, chives, etc.

Before planting with hydroponics, make sure the readiness and the system is adequate. After that also make sure if it is managed with a good system.